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Security Testing and Risk Assessment for Large-Scale Networked Systems using ARIS
Current existing and conventional tools fail to support industrial needs adequately. Although requirements are very diverse there is a common set of industry generic requirements applicable to a large number of industrial software developing companies. The RASEN project is addressing those, striving to deliver a new methodology and a supportive software environment.
The following video gives a demonstration of the RASEN Pilot with focus on the security testing and risk assessment of large-scale networked systems. It does so by providing an global overview of the global risk assessment and security testing process by applying a tool combination of the risk modelling tool ARIS from Software AG and the integration with RACOMAT (Risk Assessment COMbined with Automated security Testing) developed by Fraunhofer FOKUS.
24 Nov 2015 / rasen_adm / Comments Off
Categories: News
A RASEN Innovation for Security Pattern and Model-Based Vulnerability Testing Year 3 Project Deliverables now Available